A LONG-SERVING librarian has been nominated star of the month by a literacy campaign for his efforts to promote reading and adult learning in Hertfordshire.

Jim Macrae was nominated for the award by the BBC's Reading and Writing campaign (RaW), which launched in 2005 to improve the nation's literacy skills.

Jim who has worked as a librarian in Hertfordshire for more than 30 years, helped organise two family fun days at Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield Fire Stations where firefighters joined library staff in storytelling sessions.

Although Jim was nominated for the award, he stressed that he represents everybody involved in supporting the RaW campaign in Hertfordshire.

"The staff of Hertfordshire Library Service are the real RaW stars of the month because of their commitment and imagination," he said.

Keith Emsall, executive member for education and culture, added: "The BBC's RaW campaign is doing an excellent job in helping people to develop confidence in their reading and writing skills, and our own library staff have demonstrated tremendous commitment and enthusiasm in promoting its objectives at a local level.

"While Jim Macrae has stressed that the local success of the campaign is very much a team effort, we must congratulate him on his personal nomination by the BBC."